Delivery Process

  1. The product you purchased is a print-ready visual design product.
  2. A download link of the product will be presented to you after the purchase. You will be able to download and use the work using this link.
  3. Delivery is provided with a downloadable link after purchase. Also, no physical product will be sent. Please make sure you understand this point. If you have any questions, please write to us from the contact section.
  4. Each product may be in different sizes. The maximum printable size of the product is written on the page of the product. It is naturally possible to print larger than this size. But in this case, pixel distortions can be seen.
  5. Since a downloadable link is offered to you after purchasing the product, the product you have purchased is deemed to have been delivered.
  6. It is not possible to return the delivered products or cancel the order after this stage.
  7. If you encounter a problem with the file you downloaded, please do not hesitate to contact us. Your request will be answered within 1 hour at the latest.